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5 Beauty Hacks To Look Fabulous Without Any Makeup!

Happy International Women’s Day everyone! Although I am not in favor of singling out one day to celebrate womanhood, but since the damage is already done, let us talk about a topic that baffles a lot of women around the world. Yes, I am referring to the dilemma of how to look good without any makeup. So here are a few tricks and hacks that will make you feel more confident in your own skin and will help you celebrate your natural beauty.

1. Get rid of the redness- Concealer is one of those makeup items that most women find it hard to step out without. However, there are some easy ways to get rid of the redness caused by pimples. Ice your skin for 5-10 minutes to gain back your uniform skin tone. If you have more time at hand, then apply some toothpaste to the acne for at least a couple of hours. This will shrink the pimples and reduce the redness too.

2. Emanate a natural glow- Brightening foundations are not the only way to provide a radiance to the face. Every morning, after washing your face, massage your skin for 10-15 minutes with a good moisturizer. This will restore the healthy glow of your skin and will offer a lovely color to the cheeks.

3. Pump up the volume- Hair sprays and mousses are great for providing volume but they cause a lot of damage to the hair with long term usage. A simple way to achieve voluminous hair is to brush them upside down and then flip them upwards. This trick literally doubles the volume of my hair. If you always brush your hair upside down then they will retain a natural bounce without the help of any products.

4. Bye-bye eye bags- Puffy eye bags are every woman’s worst enemy. A great way to eliminate these without investing in expensive products is to apply a cold metal spoon to the under eye area. Keep the spoon in the freezer for some time and then place on your eye bags for a few minutes, your eye bags will disappear instantly!

5. Hydrate on the go- Facial mists are essential to reverse the damage of heat and humidity, especially when you are out and about. Instead of purchasing a costly facial spray, use a natural spray made solely out of rose water. This has cooling and hydrating properties and will keep the signs of tired skin at bay. Rose water makes for a great toner too.

These are some tips that will bring out your natural beauty and will remove the dependence on makeup. Remember, applying makeup should be a personal choice and not an obligation.

Do enter my giveaway to win a Rimmel Kate Moss Lipstick and a Maybelline Color Sensational Eye Shadow Palette. Giveaway closes in 2 weeks!

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